Are you looking for a quicker, easier way to stain your exterior wood TWP Wood and Deck Stain? A low-pressure pump sprayer can be a good choice but you will need to be careful with overspray and an even application.
Using these tips below will help to ensure your TWP Stain is applied evenly, with a faster application time.
Note: These spraying tips can also apply to using an airless sprayer. Always use quality pump sprayers. Fan tips are best. Keep sprayer fully pressurized throughout the application for an even flow. We offer the Chapin Pump Sprayers.
- Mix your TWP Stain thoroughly with a mixing stick or drill mixer.
- When applying to verticals such railings or a fence, use a large poly tarp to protect concrete, grass, and shrubs.
- Apply the TWP stain using the pump sprayer to the vertical areas. Walk around and repeat the process on the other side. Be careful to make sure all overspray lands on the tarp only. Do the verticals in small sections of about 8-10 linear feet at a time.
- When done with the 1st section, immediately back wipe any drips using a stain pad or brush. Scan the section for missed spots. At this, time, apply a second coat to the top of the railing if needed. Check flooring under the railings for any puddles of stain and remove excess stain.
- Repeat this process, going around the railings until you reach the opposite side. Re-check for drips and missed spots.
- Flooring is next. Using a stain pad or brush, edge out flooring that is next to the house. Applied at least 2 feet away from the house.
- Use the pump sprayer to lightly cover the remainder of the flooring.
- Apply a second coat to entire flooring using stain pads or brushes within 20-40 minutes of the first coat. You can walk on your first coat while wet but be careful to not step in your second coat. Only apply as much TWP stain that wood can handle, as overapplying can result in premature stain failure on the horizontal surfaces.
- Finish deck steps using same methods as above.
It is important that you properly dispose of all oily rags. Saturate oily rags, cloth tarps, etc. with water and lay flat to dry outside. Never store oily rags near or inside a home/garage while wet with oil!
We hope this gives you a head start on how to use TWP to stain your deck with a sprayer. If you have any questions, thoughts, or suggestions, we want to hear them!
I want to use TWP semi solid on my one year old cedar fence. Can I use an HVLP for the semi solid? Thanks!
Thank you for replying on a Saturday!
I plan on staining a newly installed cedar fence (6 weeks old) this weekend with TWP1530. My understanding is that new rough sawn lumber will require a single coat. I will be applying with an airless sprayer, while using a stain brush for areas close to the house and the top rails. Will I need to back brush after applying the coat to each section? Do I need to wipe off excess stain after? What is the recommended product to do so if that is required? Sorry for the beginner questions, this if my first time and the fence wasn’t cheap. Don’t want to screw anything up!
Use a stain pad or brush to back brush as needed. No need to wipe.
Thank you! Hope I don’t screw it up!
You will be fine. Post some pics when done.
Which stain would you recommend for a new wood fence? 100 or 1500 series? One or 2 coats?
Where do you live and is the wood smooth or rough-sawn cut?
Florida and it’s rough cut
You can stain now as long as the rough-cut wood is clean and dry. Use the 100 Series. 2 coats applied wet on wet.
I bought a Chapin 1949 sprayer and am going to be spraying TWP 100. What nozzle should I use to spray the .5 GPM or the 1 GPM. Also when I am done what should I clean the sprayer with. TWP says mineral spirits, but Chapin 1949 says to use Xylene. Thanks
.5 GPM. Clean with mineral spirits.
How much stain do I need for an 6 month old red cedar horizontal fence- 6 ft high and 212 linear feet? Do I need to do one or 2 coats? also, using an airless hopper sprayer
2500 sq feet for both sides. About 20-25 gallons for the two coats needed.
Hello, I have a new cedar fence to stain with 100 or 1500 series using a NVLP stain sprayer. Do you suggest 2 coats for this, or do I only need to do a single coat?
Rugh sawn cut wood or smooth wood?
#2 cedar panels, smooth, and PT posts.
See tips here:
After application, how long should I wait before wiping off the excess stain?
30-60 minutes.
I installed my deck last summer using 5/4 treated decking. (July/August 2021) I used the Gemini kit last week to clean and brighten. Now I am waiting for a 3-5 day dry window to get it stained. 2 questions. With smooth wood that is 9-10 months old, do you suggest 1 or 2 coats of 100 Series? Also, it is a pretty large deck close to 800 sq. ft. plus railings, fence, steps, etc. If doing 2 coats wet on wet, is it more important to get the second coat on quickly, or more important to not stop in the middle of a board/area? I guess my concern is getting the whole 1st coat on in time to start the second coat OR if I do smaller areas to get the 2nd coat on in time then will I risk having slight differences in the area osr having brush/lap marks where the areas meet.,
One coat should work.
Sorry, but we do not sell products that work on Bamboo from this site. You would want the TWP 300 Series and we do not carry it.
Stained a new Redwood Deck several years ago with 116 Rustic Stain. 100 Series no longer approved for Colorado. Can I apply 1500 series stain (1516) for maintaining the deck, or would I need to strip and clean to the bare wood?
Use the Gemini Kit and pressure washing for prep.
What product is best to clean out the Chapin Hand-Pump Sprayer after using it to spray TWP stains? (i.e., Acetone, Paint Thinner, Mineral Spirits, Denatured Alcohol?). Thanks in advance.
Paint thinner.
Plan to spray apply TWP 205 on deck after full 48hrs. dry time from power wash & last rain. Using HVLP Wagner paint sprayer Would normally dilute a water based paint/stain with water.Do I use mineral spirits for this as it’s oil based and how much is recommended? Thank you.
You cannot dilute TWP. Use it at full strength.
Picture of deck last year new and today. Sprayed with hvlp 1.5 tip at 40 psi at the gun. I feel like it worked well. I did not use anything to prep other than pressure washed. Kinda wished I had used the cleaner but it wasn’t really dirty. Was about 80 degrees. I’ve used a hvlp quite a bit but never with stain. I’d say it was a breeze. Much easier than laying clear coat/automotive paint that’s for sure. Took about 2.5 hrs 300 sq ft. Only did one coat. Felt 2 would be pushing it.
Looks great!
I’d also add that it’s been curing since yesterday at 130PM and water beads on it VERY nicely. I was pretty impressed. Unfortunately too many mosquitoes to enjoy it at the moment!! So far great product and very pleased. The only real advice to anyone is weather weather weather. I’d been waiting over a month for the optimal forecast. Glad I did.
What pressure settings do you recommend for HVLP? What about time between coats when using HVLP sprayer? Deck has been power washed
Sorry but we are not familiar with the HLVP sprayer settings. Any PSI that gives a consistnet flow should work. As for applying, see this about wet on wet:
Can I apply the stain when it’s sunny outside?
I stained my pier 2 years ago with TWP. How long before I should have to do it again?
Every 2-3 years is normal.
How many coats for 6 month old new redwood applied by sprayer? Cleaner and brightener already applied.
One coat:
Hello, I am going to be applying the 102 redwood with a graco airless sprayer. What is the recommended tip for your stain?
Does not matter. Wider fans are easier.
I just bought a graco and plan to use it for staining my deck, how did it go for you? Any tips?
My deck was last done three years ago with Penafin Marine oil. It has been sprayed with bleach (deck cleaner) and power washed. Will your product work over this, there is no stripping marine oil- it is deep in the wood. Thinking of cedartone, Honeytone or the clear.
You have to strip this and it is very easy to strip Penofin products. Use this kit:
We want to use TWP on our Cedar T&G and Cedar Glulam Beams before we build our covered patio. The patio cover is 350 sq feet. How much stain will we need and what prep do you recommend for the wood?
What is the total sq footage of the ceiling? Also, you cannot prestain new wood. Needs to weather and be prepped.
Can I thin TWP to do a 2nd coat one year after initial coat? I did just clean and powerwash again.
No, not a good idea.
Can you elaborate?
You cannot thin TWP stains.
I guess that’s my fault for not being more specific. By elaborate I meant beyond what would have already been assumed from your first response.
There is nothing else to say outside TWP cannot be thinned. It would ruin the performance.
I applied the stain last week to my 4 year old fence. This was a second application to the fence. There were several boards that had been replaced about 6 months ago. Those boards did not take the stain and are much lighter than the rest. How do you suggest that I proceed to try to fix those boards?
Leave as is. New wood will always stain lighter and not much you can do. Over time they will blend as they become more absorbent.
We just purchased the Cape cod stain, and saw your u tube video that said only do one coat, our deck m is pressure treated and one year old, so what is the best way to apply the Cape cod?
Only one coat. Use a stain pad or brush.
Used 1500 4 years ago on fence. Finished cleaning and brightening yesterday and will stain tomorrow. One coat or two?
2 coats most likely.
Thanks for quick response!
Yesterday I finished sanding off the peeling water based stain from my Pau Lope (like IPE) hardwood deck. Unexpectedly I won’t be able to stain it for about 2 weeks.
1) Should I use the brightener now or wait until 48h before I stain?
2) Based on the picture below, some parts of the unfinished decking have residual color after sanding. The native wood is the more blond color. Do you think it should be stripped, or will the brightener smooth out the color differences?
1. 48 hours prior to staining.
2. You should strip this as TWP cannot go over the top of a different brand of stain.
Approximately 10 months ago I replaced all the deck boards with green treated yellow pine from Menards. I live in Minnesota. I have not put anything on them yet. We ordered samples and like the 100 Cedar tone. After looking at the message boards there seems to be some question as to whether spray application is appropriate and how many coats I should do.
It seems I should first use the deck cleaner, then brightener, and then spray is OK and I should only do a single coat due to the age of the wood. As the deck is over 600 feet I would like to spray if it all possible. Is this OK?
Best to apply with a stain pad or brush. Even if you spray, you will have to back wipe it for an even application. Just one coat for this newer deck.
I have a treated-pine wood fence that I stained with TWP1501 8 years ago. Its faded and I plan to reapply a new coat with the same product. Do you recommend any prep work before I apply the new coat?
I’m spaying two on new deck 3 stories high was built a year ago any suggestions on spraying I have a 3100 psi sprayer
Tarp or cover the home and any surrounding vegetation as it will mist when spraying. We would not suggest a windy day.
I want to spray TWP 100 through my Fuji Semi Pro 2 HVLP. I’m curious if there is a viscosity spec. available? I’m trying to determine what size needle and cap I need. Ford #4 cup spec. would be ideal. Thanks
There is not a spec for this but it should spray with any size.
I had my deck stained yesterday with TWP Total Wood Preservative 1511 California Redwood. It looks great but is still wet this morning. I’m worried they’ve put on too much. What should I do? It’s 18 hours after application. Thanks!
do i need to power wash last years twp before appling new twp
Yes and use this as well.
How abut using a HVLP sprayer? If so, what tip would you recommend??
It can be sprayed with an HVLP. Any fan tip will work.
Can u spray on with a non pump sprayer?
Yes, an airless sprayer.
TWP drying time before rain ?
8-12 hours.
How do I clean twp1500 overspray off of stucco?
Stucco is too porous and textured to use a cleaner to remove the TWP. Might need to be painted.
My railings are built pre-stained cedartone, pressure treated wood, 10 yrs old, faded. Do I strip that or brighten it only. One coat or two? Thanks!
Strip and brighten. 2 coats.
Our fence is about 10 months new. I’m using the restore a deck kit and then 100 series stain (we are in UT). I’ve read to only apply one coat to the new wood. Would your recommend a sprayer or brush for this coat?
If the wood is rough sawn, do the two coats wet on wet. Using either a stain brush and or spraying is good.
I plan to apply the TWP 100 series stain on my deck with the Graco Magnum X5 airless sprayer.
What size spray Tip does TWP recommend?
Yes. Tip size does not matter.
I only put one coat of TWP106 down on my deck (after chemical and pressure wash). It has been a few days, is it too late to put second coat? It would not be wet on wet. What do you advise?
Yes, it is too late at this point. You can do in Spring. Lightly wash to remove dirt and apply 1 light coat then.
Dose the wood preservative have shelf life since the weather turned cooled
See this about shelf life:
the weather is going to 50 degrees and then turn 30 at night will that heart it?
It cannot drop below freezing the first night after staining.
can I use a paint roller
Paint rollers do not give the best uniform results. You can use them but you have to be very careful of making sure it applies evenly.
can I use 4mil plastic to protect the house
Yes you can.
I’m not clear whether you actually recommend walking on first (sprayed) coat? That would be wet on wet of course. It seems one would have to wear some kind of painter’s booties
You can walk on it. Just use some shoes you do not care about:
Any reason I can’t apply second coat with sprayer?
If you spray, use it for the first coat. Apply the second coat wet on wet with a stain pad or brush to ensure it applies evenly.
Any direction or suggestion on cleaning the sprayer after applying the stain?
Use mineral spirits to clean the sprayer.
Do you need to thin the stain in a sprayer? Will a garden sprayer work?